Woodburn SD 103
The primary purpose of this position is to organize and coordinate all aspects of the assigned athletic program, including the duties of any assistant coaches or volunteers, as well as perform coaching duties for one or more designated teams.
- Minimum age 18 years.
- Background and Criminal History Clearance.
- First Aid and CPR Certification.
- NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching and Oregon State Component Certification (High School only).
- Demonstrates high level of communication skills and meets District standards for oral and written language proficiency in English, and if applicable, in Spanish or Russian.
- Skill in leadership and facilitation, including problem solving and conflict resolution.
- Excellent organizational skills for effectively managing multiple tasks.
- Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions.
- Knowledge of rules and coaching strategies for assigned sport.
- Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board or administration may deem appropriate and acceptable.
- Communicates effectively in English in both oral and written form.
- Communicates effectively in Spanish or Russian (if assigned) in both oral and written form.
- Schedules and conducts regular practice sessions to improve skills and knowledge of the athletes and team in general.
- Instructs and coaches athletes in performance skills and techniques during practices and contests.
- Models good sportsmanship and enforces appropriate team rules and team discipline.
- Adheres to athletic eligibility requirements, District Athletic Handbook, league or association SOPs, and applicable OSAA rules.
- Supervises and/or arranges for proper supervision of athletes during practice, games, travel, and any related activities.
- Coordinates the duties and responsibilities of any assigned Assistant Coaches or volunteers.
- Provides program information to parents and notifies media of program and contest information.
- Monitors expenditures in relation to allocation, monitors proper use, care, and return of uniforms and other assigned equipment, and submits rosters and equipment inventories as required.
- Consults with the Athletic Director/Coordinator on a regular basis regarding individual, team, or program issues or needs.