The head coach is responsible for directing the program in accordance with District goals in the best interest of the students and the schools. The head coach is expected to adhere to the policies of the St. Helens School District, and the regulations of the school, the Northwest Oregon Conference Standard Operating Procedures, and the OSAA.
- Responsible for the promotion of the sport by cooperating with newspapers and other media.
- Responsible for modeling respect for the judgment of officials and their interpretation of the rules; refraining from public protests which often lead to similar behavior by the players and spectators.
- Responsible for modeling good sportsmanship, fair play, and ethical conduct at all times. You are further expected to require the same of assistant coaches and players.
- Responsible for review and compliance of School Board policies regarding harassment of students. You are further expected to require the same of any assistant coaches and players.
- Responsible for the team’s conduct during practice, travel, at contests, and all other times when the team is representing the school. They are to be ever mindful that their conduct and the conduct of their team are seen as an extension of the school.
- Responsible for encouraging academic and desirable student/teacher relationships.
- Responsible for coordinating with the Athletic Director pertaining to the budget, injuries, rosters, inventory, and eligibility; and to maintain complete and accurate records.
- Responsible for compliance with all School District policies and administrative regulations relative to fundraising and conducting camps and clinics.
- Responsible for cooperating with other coaches in providing the optimum sports program possible under existing conditions.
- High School Diploma or Equivalent.
- Ability and skill to oversee and direct the athletic team to which assigned.
- Personal qualifications which indicate an ability to understand and work with youth
- Prior job-related experience will be considered but not required.
- Such alternative or additional qualifications as the Administration/Athletic Director may find appropriate or acceptable.
- Must have or willing to obtain NFHS Certification and Steroid and Concussion Management Training.
- Must have or willing to attend Blood Borne Pathogens, Sexual Harassment, Bullying Prevention and Child Abuse Training.