Albuquerque Public School
Instructs athletes in the fundamental skills, strategy and physical training necessary to realize a degree of individual and team success while receiving instruction that will lead to the formulation of moral values, pride of accomplishment, acceptable social behavior, self-discipline and self-confidence.
Implements assigned sports program following policies and regulations approved by the Board of Education.
Interprets and implements rules and regulations of the school, league, New Mexico
Refers requests or grievances to Athletic Director, Principal or other appropriate authority.
Establishes philosophies, skills and techniques to be learned by staff.
Designs conferences, clinics and staff meetings to insure staff awareness of overall program.
Trains and informs staff, encourages professional growth by encouraging clinic attendance according to local clinic policy.
Delegates specific duties, supervises implementation analyzes program effectiveness.
Maintains discipline, adjusts grievances and works to increase morale and cooperation.
Assists the Athletic Director in scheduling, providing transportation and requirements for tournament and special sport events.
Assists in the necessary preparation to hold scheduled sport events or practices and adheres to scheduled facility times.
Coordinates program with maintenance and school employees.
Provides documentation to fulfill state and system requirements concerning physical examinations, parental consent and eligibility.
Bachelor’s degree (may be waived).
Valid New Mexico Teacher’s license (may be waived).
Valid New Mexico Coaching license.