Oshkosh Area School District
- 3089 active jobs (view)
- wecan.waspa.org
- Current Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction certification in areas taught.
- Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.
- Perform teaching duties in a professional manner.
- Establish rapport with staff.
- Apply/incorporate district curriculum guides and use Board of Education approved goals and objectives.
- Develop goals, objectives and daily lesson plans with Board of Education approved curriculum.
- Plan for ongoing assessment of student performance.
- Include recent references, media and materials with help from specialists.
- Stress basic/essential concepts and facts.
- Utilize accurate materials and examples.
- Specify learning objectives.
- Teach to objectives.
- Provide effective learning activities and experiences.
- Provide feedback to students and parents.
- Demonstrate knowledge of subject matter.