Medford School District, 549C
The Head Athletic Coach will supervise the athletic program for which assigned and coach their school's varsity team. The Head Coach will direct programs to instruct athletes on the fundamental skills, strategy, safety procedures, and physical training necessary for individual and team success. At the same time, the athletes shall receive instruction that will lead to the formation of moral values, pride in accomplishment, good sportsmanship, self-discipline, and self-confidence.
- Assists the Activities Director in scheduling and providing transportation. Checks the athletic schedule for conflicts and makes necessary confirmations.
- Assists in the necessary preparation to hold scheduled athletic events or practices and adheres to scheduled facility times. Coordinates program with maintenance and school employees.
- Is responsible to the principal for compliance with the school district and OSAA requirements concerning physical examinations, parental consent forms, insurance waivers, and academic/residence eligibility.
- Provides proper safeguards for maintenance and protection of assigned equipment and facilities.
- Advises the Activities Director and recommends policy, method, or procedural changes.
- Prepares the annual season summary after the sports season.
- Has a thorough knowledge of all the Athletic Policies endorsed by the Medford School District Board of Education and is responsible for its implementation by the entire staff of the program assigned.
- Knows Oregon School Activities Association rules and regulations as well as Southern Oregon Conference Guidelines; implements those same consistently and interprets them for staff.
- Understands the proper administrative line of command and refers all requests or grievances through appropriate channels.
- Works to increase morale and cooperation within the school's athletic program.
- Knows effective safety procedures in their sport, plans and implements a program of instruction in safe practices.