- May 15, 2018
In June 2013, I retired from the Air Force after 32 years of active service. In August 2013, I began my teaching career as a paraprofessional at Spring High School in their Adaptive Behavior Program. For the past 4 years, I've been an LOTC (Leadership Officer Training Corp) instructor for 7th and 8th graders. Responsible for instruction on leadership skills as well as physical training and basic military information. Responsible for extracurricular training activities in Orienteering, car wash and “fun run” fund raisers, camping trips with map reading exercises, Military Skills Meets as well as an end of the year awards banquet for the cadets. Responsible for course budget, ordering supplies, inventory of uniforms as well as issuing and returning of uniforms, collecting of funds. My first 2 years at Tomball ISD, I volunteered to help coach the junior high football team, and the past 2 years, my contract has included 8th grade football coach and track coach in my contract.
I've also been a martial arts instructor since 2004, instructing class sizes ranging from 3-30 people, holding testings for promotions to the next belt levels, and attending multiple annual tournaments. Held summer martial arts classes for kids at Champion Forest Baptist Church and held several Self-Defense classes for women.
60 credit hours - History